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    type="text">Torchia Communications (Montréal)</title>
    type="text">Contains the last 20 releases</subtitle>
    type="text">Copyright 2017, Torchia Communications (Montréal)</rights>
    <name>newsdesk@globenewswire.com (NewsDesk)</name>
    href="https://www.globenewswire.com/atomfeed/organization/Q56plKzrhX_bEVboJCHbhQ==" />
    href="https://www.globenewswire.com/atomfeed/organization/Q56plKzrhX_bEVboJCHbhQ==" />
      type="text">Les Avenues Vaudreuil inaugurent un Sports Experts à la fine pointe de la technologie à l'Avenue Mode</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/07/18/1069194/0/fr/Les-Avenues-Vaudreuil-inaugurent-un-Sports-Experts-%C3%A0-la-fine-pointe-de-la-technologie-%C3%A0-l-Avenue-Mode.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>VAUDREUIL, QU&#201;BEC--(Marketwired - 18 juillet 2017) -</strong> Le promoteur immobilier Harden honore sa promesse de transformer Les Avenues Vaudreuil en nouvelle destination magasinage au concept <em>style de vie </em>in&#233;dit. </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">High-Tech Sports Experts Opens at L'Avenue Mode of Les Avenues Vaudreuil</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/07/18/1069191/0/en/High-Tech-Sports-Experts-Opens-at-L-Avenue-Mode-of-Les-Avenues-Vaudreuil.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>VAUDREUIL, QU&#201;BEC--(Marketwired - July 18, 2017) -</strong> Real estate developer, Harden, has held fast to its promise to transform Les Avenues Vaudreuil into a new-and-improved shopping destination with a unique "lifestyle" concept. </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">A Rich Heritage Reborn in a New Light: Le Mount Stephen Honours Montreal</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/05/01/1069185/0/en/A-Rich-Heritage-Reborn-in-a-New-Light-Le-Mount-Stephen-Honours-Montreal.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - May 1, 2017) -</strong> </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Le Mount Stephen Hotel</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Un riche héritage qui renaît sous un nouveau jour : Le Mount Stephen fait honneur à Montréal</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/05/01/1069187/0/fr/Un-riche-h%C3%A9ritage-qui-rena%C3%AEt-sous-un-nouveau-jour-Le-Mount-Stephen-fait-honneur-%C3%A0-Montr%C3%A9al.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTR&#201;AL, QU&#201;BEC--(Marketwired - 1 mai 2017) -</strong> </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Le Mount Stephen Hotel</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Sweet, Savoury Songs of Clementines  Liven Up the Metro One Morning</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/03/14/1069182/0/en/Sweet-Savoury-Songs-of-Clementines-Liven-Up-the-Metro-One-Morning.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - March 14, 2017) -</strong> Are you one of those people who, on a frosty March morning at Place-des-Arts, Berri or Peel Station, encountered a cheerful troubadour chanting a rhyme so vibrant that it put a smile on the face of metro users? Indeed, the sunshine spread by these joyful "sunmen" was contagious ...</p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Clementines Maroc</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Quand la comptine des clémentines sème la joie un matin dans le métro</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/03/14/1069184/0/fr/Quand-la-comptine-des-cl%C3%A9mentines-s%C3%A8me-la-joie-un-matin-dans-le-m%C3%A9tro.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTR&#201;AL, QU&#201;BEC--(Marketwired - 14 mars 2017) -</strong> &#202;tes-vous de ceux qui, par un glacial matin de mars, ont crois&#233;, Station Place-des-Arts, Berri ou Peel, de joyeux troubadours entonnant une comptine ensoleill&#233;e, tant et si bien qu'elle a d&#233;rid&#233; les usagers du m&#233;tro? Il faut voir comment l'entrain de ces bonhommes soleil a &#233;t&#233; contagieux...</p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Clémentines Maroc</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Mark Lindsay se joint aux Solutions de reconnaissance Rideau en tant que nouveau vice-président des ventes</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2016/02/02/1069180/0/fr/Mark-Lindsay-se-joint-aux-Solutions-de-reconnaissance-Rideau-en-tant-que-nouveau-vice-pr%C3%A9sident-des-ventes.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTR&#201;AL, QU&#201;BEC--(Marketwired - 2 f&#233;v. 2016) -</strong> </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Solutions de reconnaissance Rideau inc.</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Mark Lindsay Joins Rideau Recognition Solutions as New Vice President of Sales</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2016/02/02/1069178/0/en/Mark-Lindsay-Joins-Rideau-Recognition-Solutions-as-New-Vice-President-of-Sales.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - Feb. 2, 2016) -</strong> </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Rideau Recognition Solutions Inc.</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Le programme CanSupport des Cèdres célèbre son 25e anniversaire avec une collecte de fonds record pour son festival de bateaux-dragons</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2014/09/08/1341002/0/fr/Le-programme-CanSupport-des-C%C3%A8dres-c%C3%A9l%C3%A8bre-son-25e-anniversaire-avec-une-collecte-de-fonds-record-pour-son-festival-de-bateaux-dragons.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTR&#201;AL, QU&#201;BEC--(Marketwired - 8 sept. 2014) -</strong> Le 20 septembre prochain, le cabinet comptable Fuller Landau pr&#233;sentera la 9<sup>e </sup>&#233;dition annuelle des <strong>R&#233;gates et festival de bateaux-dragons CanSupport des C&#232;dres</strong>, dont l'objectif est de recueillir les sommes n&#233;cessaires pour fournir gratuitement aux patients du CUSM atteints du cancer et &#224; leur famille le soutien psychosocial, pratique et humanitaire dont ils ont besoin. Inaugur&#233; en 2006, cet &#233;v&#233;nement organis&#233; par l'Institut des C&#232;dres contre le cancer a permis d'amasser plus de 3 millions $ &#224; ce jour. </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>CanSupport des Cédres</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Cedars CanSupport Celebrates 25 Years With the Biggest Dragon Boat Fundraiser to Date</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2014/09/08/1341001/0/en/Cedars-CanSupport-Celebrates-25-Years-With-the-Biggest-Dragon-Boat-Fundraiser-to-Date.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - Sept. 8, 2014) -</strong> A diverse group of caring companies and cancer-fighting paddlers are once again boarding their dragon-headed boats with The Cedar's Cancer Institute to make waves, and money, for cancer support programs in Montreal. On September 20th, accounting firm Fuller Landau presents the ninth annual <strong>CanSupport Dragon Boat Race &amp; Festival</strong> which raises funds to provide MUHC cancer patients and their families' free psycho-social, practical and humanitarian assistance. Founded in 2006, the event is organized by The Cedars Cancer Institute and has raised more than $3- million dollars to date. </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Cedars CanSupport</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Le Festival Mode &amp; Design s'établit au Quartier des spectacles sous la présidence d'honneur de la muse de l'élégance, Nathalie Rykiel</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2014/05/13/1340998/0/fr/Le-Festival-Mode-Design-s-%C3%A9tablit-au-Quartier-des-spectacles-sous-la-pr%C3%A9sidence-d-honneur-de-la-muse-de-l-%C3%A9l%C3%A9gance-Nathalie-Rykiel.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><em><p>Pour sa 14e édition, le FMD occupera désormais la prestigieuse place des Festivals et accueillera Madame Nathalie Rykiel de la légendaire maison SONIA RYKIEL</p></em></p><p><strong>MONTR&#201;AL, QU&#201;BEC--(Marketwired - 13 mai 2014) -</strong> Le Groupe Sensation Mode est heureux d'annoncer que le prochain Festival Mode &amp; Design (FMD), qui attire chaque ann&#233;e plus d'un demi-million de visiteurs, aura lieu cette ann&#233;e &#224; la place des Festivals, du 20 au 23 ao&#251;t. Ce site de prestige conf&#233;rera une visibilit&#233; accrue &#224; l'&#233;v&#233;nement, dont la pr&#233;sidence d'honneur est confi&#233;e &#224; Madame Nathalie Rykiel, r&#233;f&#233;rence mondiale de la mode et de l'&#233;l&#233;gance.</p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Festival Mode &amp; Design</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Fashion &amp; Design Festival Makes Quartier des Spectacles its Home and Names Nathalie Rykiel, the Muse of Elegance, as its Honorary President</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2014/05/13/1340997/0/en/Fashion-Design-Festival-Makes-Quartier-des-Spectacles-its-Home-and-Names-Nathalie-Rykiel-the-Muse-of-Elegance-as-its-Honorary-President.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><em><p>14th edition of FDF now occupies the prestigious place des Festivals and welcomes Nathalie Rykiel from the legendary fashion house SONIA RYKIEL</p></em></p><p><strong>MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - May 13, 2014) -</strong> Groupe Sensation Mode is pleased to announce that the next Fashion &amp; Design Festival (FDF), which annually attracts over half a million visitors, will be held at Place des Festivals this year, from August 20 to 23. The event, which will be given greater visibility in this venue, has also named Nathalie Rykiel, an international icon in fashion and elegance, as Honorary President.</p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Fashion &amp; Design Festival</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 02:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Countdown Begins for the 9th Annual Cedars CanSupport 'Rain or Shine'  Dragon Boat Race and Festival</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2014/05/07/1340989/0/en/Countdown-Begins-for-the-9th-Annual-Cedars-CanSupport-Rain-or-Shine-Dragon-Boat-Race-and-Festival.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><em><p>Event hopes to raise $600,000 for the fight against cancer</p></em></p><p><strong>MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - May 7, 2014) -</strong> The countdown to the 9<sup>th</sup> Annual Cedars CanSupport 'Rain or Shine' Dragon Boat Race and Festival, presented by Fuller Landau, is officially on. Event organizers held a launch party for the festival last night to welcome new participants and get returning ones excited for the upcoming race. </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Cedars CanSupport;Cedars Cancer Institute;Cedars CanSupport Dragon Boat Race &amp; Festival;Fuller Landau LLP</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 01:59 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Pizza Pizza Opens in Chateauguay</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2014/04/14/1340985/0/en/Pizza-Pizza-Opens-in-Chateauguay.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - April 14, 2014) -</strong> Pizza Pizza, the country's number one quick-service pizza chain, announces today the opening of a restaurant in Ch&#226;teauguay, Quebec. Located at 100 Anjou Boulevard, the new Pizza Pizza marks the company's expansion into the Mont&#233;r&#233;gie region. It is the 22<sup>nd</sup> traditional restaurant to open its doors in the Greater Montreal Area since Pizza Pizza's arrival in the market. </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Pizza Pizza Limited</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 01:59 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Pizza Pizza ouvre un restaurant à Châteauguay</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2014/04/14/1340987/0/fr/Pizza-Pizza-ouvre-un-restaurant-%C3%A0-Ch%C3%A2teauguay.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTR&#201;AL, QU&#201;BEC--(Marketwired - 14 avril 2014) -</strong> Pizza Pizza, la cha&#238;ne de pizzerias la plus importante de l'industrie de la restauration rapide au pays, annonce aujourd'hui l'ouverture d'un restaurant &#224; Ch&#226;teauguay. Situ&#233; au 100, boulevard d'Anjou, ce nouveau Pizza Pizza marque l'expansion de l'entreprise dans la r&#233;gion de la Mont&#233;r&#233;gie. Il s'agit du 22<sup>e</sup> restaurant traditionnel &#224; ouvrir ses portes dans la r&#233;gion m&#233;tropolitaine de Montr&#233;al depuis l'arriv&#233;e de Pizza Pizza dans le march&#233;. </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Pizza Pizza Limitée</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 01:59 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Avis aux médias : Les festins de la grande fête du football</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2014/01/27/1340984/0/fr/Avis-aux-m%C3%A9dias-Les-festins-de-la-grande-f%C3%AAte-du-football.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><em><p>L'amour des Canadiens pour le football et les bons repas entre amis provoque une frénésie du Super Bowl chez Pizza Pizza</p></em></p><p><strong>TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - 27 jan. 2014) -</strong> Les pr&#233;paratifs pour le prochain Super Bowl vont bon train chez Pizza Pizza, le principal livreur de pizza et d'ailes de poulet du Canada. Les quelque 400 &#233;tablissements de la cha&#238;ne au pays mettent la main finale &#224; ce qui s'affirme maintenant comme la deuxi&#232;me journ&#233;e la plus active de l'ann&#233;e du point de vue des ventes. Le 2 f&#233;vrier, la pizza et les ailes - ces ind&#233;tr&#244;nables mets des jours de f&#234;te - continueront &#224; figurer sur les tables d'un oc&#233;an &#224; l'autre, dominant le palmar&#232;s des ventes de nourriture.</p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Pizza Pizza Limitée</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 01:59 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Media Advisory: Feasting on Football's Big Game</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2014/01/27/1340983/0/en/Media-Advisory-Feasting-on-Football-s-Big-Game.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><em><p>Canada's love for football, friends and food leads to frenzied Super Bowl Sunday at Pizza Pizza</p></em></p><p><strong>TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Jan. 27, 2014) -</strong> Preparations for Super Bowl Sunday are peaking at Pizza Pizza, Canada's leading purveyor of pizza and wings. The chain's locations - close to 400 across the country - are finishing preparations for what has become the second busiest day of the year in terms of sales. On February 2, pizza and wings, perennial party favourites, will continue to dominate the food sales charts, topping hosting tables coast to coast. </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Pizza Pizza Limited</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 01:59 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Humanimalité, une nouvelle entreprise vouée à l'amélioration des relations entre les Québécois et leurs animaux de compagnie</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2013/12/04/1340982/0/fr/Humanimalit%C3%A9-une-nouvelle-entreprise-vou%C3%A9e-%C3%A0-l-am%C3%A9lioration-des-relations-entre-les-Qu%C3%A9b%C3%A9cois-et-leurs-animaux-de-compagnie.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>MONTR&#201;AL, QU&#201;BEC--(Marketwired - 4 d&#233;c. 2013) -</strong> C'est en r&#233;ponse au nombre croissant d'abandons d'animaux de compagnie par les Qu&#233;b&#233;cois, qu'Humanimalit&#233; a vu le jour tout r&#233;cemment. Fond&#233; par Myrabelle Poulin, la nouvelle entreprise d&#233;sire devenir le centre de r&#233;f&#233;rence multiservice visant l'am&#233;lioration des relations entre les humains et leurs animaux de compagnie.</p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 01:59 GMT</dc:modified>
      type="text">Eco Entreprises Quebec Innovates with the Launch of OptimEco.Ca, Canada's First Packaging Optimization Portal</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2013/10/31/1340980/0/en/Eco-Entreprises-Quebec-Innovates-with-the-Launch-of-OptimEco-Ca-Canada-s-First-Packaging-Optimization-Portal.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><em><p>The eco-organization provides companies with guidance in improving the environmental performance of their packaging</p></em></p><p><strong>MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - Oct. 31, 2013) -</strong> &#201;co Entreprises Qu&#233;bec (&#201;EQ) launches Canada's first portal for the optimization of containers, packaging and printed matter (CP&amp;PM). The portal provides guidance and tools to Quebec and Canadian companies to optimize their containers and packaging as well as to improve their environmental performance. </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Eco Entreprises Quebec (EEQ)</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 01:59 GMT</dc:modified>
    <dc:keyword>Eco Entreprises Quebec (EEQ)</dc:keyword>
      type="text">Eco entreprises Québec innove et lance OptimEco.ca, le premier portail d'optimisation des emballages au Canada</title>
      href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2013/10/31/1340981/0/fr/Eco-entreprises-Qu%C3%A9bec-innove-et-lance-OptimEco-ca-le-premier-portail-d-optimisation-des-emballages-au-Canada.html" />
      type="html"><![CDATA[<p><em><p>L'éco-organisme accompagne les entreprises à améliorer la performance environnementale de leurs emballages</p></em></p><p><strong>MONTR&#201;AL, QU&#201;BEC--(Marketwired - 31 oct. 2013) -</strong> &#201;co Entreprises Qu&#233;bec (&#201;EQ) lance le premier portail d'optimisation des emballages, contenants et imprim&#233;s (CEI) au Canada visant &#224; accompagner et outiller les entreprises qu&#233;b&#233;coises et canadiennes &#224; entreprendre une d&#233;marche d'optimisation de leurs contenants et emballages afin d'am&#233;liorer leur performance environnementale. </p>]]></content>
    <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
    <dc:contributor>Eco Entreprises Québec (EEQ)</dc:contributor>
    <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 01:59 GMT</dc:modified>
    <dc:keyword>Eco Entreprises Quebec (EEQ)</dc:keyword>