American Portfolios Places in Top 5 Small/Mid-Size Best Companies to Work for in New York for 2017

HOLBROOK, NY--(Marketwired - May 02, 2017) - American Portfolios Financial Services, Inc. (APFS), a privately-held, independent broker/dealer that services financial advisors across the country, was recently included in the Top Five Best Small/Mid-Size Companies to Work for in New York. Ranked by the New York State Society for Human Resources Management (NYS-SHRM) and the Best Companies Group (BCG), APFS was ranked among 46 New York businesses in the category of employers with 15 to 249 United States employees. APFS officially took fourth place at the program's 10th annual award ceremony held on April 19, 2017, in Albany, N.Y.

"I've always believed that the success of any company has to start, first and foremost, with your people and their well-being," stated APFS CEO Lon T. Dolber. "If our employees are happy at work, then they will go the extra distance for our clients. The recognition we've received in the last two years-winning Broker-Dealer of the Year in 2015 and again in 2016, as well as being named the Best Company to Work for in New York for 2016 -- is proof of that very concept."

The Best Companies rankings were determined by a selection process that consisted of two parts: an employee engagement and satisfaction survey, where employees rated their employer on company practices, the culture and overall fulfillment; and a questionnaire completed by the employer detailing company policies, practices, benefits and demographics, which corroborates one of AP's core values in stating that its first responsibility as a company-before customers and shareholders-must be given to the valued men and women working for it.

The firm's 100-plus employees work collaboratively to service the business needs of 799 independent investment professionals and their affiliated assistants and support staff located in 365 branch offices throughout the United States. Employees are part of a corporate culture that embraces the tenets of the company's five-year roadmap for strategic growth, which is built on six equally important, interconnected strategic company perspectives -- People, Innovation, Process, Customer, Financial and Community -- and the foundation from which all planning and executions are derived.

"We are so honored to have again earned this standing among such wonderful companies doing business in the state of New York," said Vice President of Human Resources Lisa DiBella. "It gives us great pride to be recognized for the corporate culture we've been able to foster at American Portfolios. We are always striving to invest in the professional -- and personal -- betterment of each of our valued staff members. We give sincere thanks to NYS-SHRM and BCG for recognizing our firm's varied accomplishments."

The APFS home office staff is comprised of a naturally occurring mix of Millennials, Baby Boomers and senior employees, all of whom demonstrate a high level of respect for their colleagues. The firm accentuates this by listening to employees, recognizing their needs and ensuring that management creates a healthy work environment-thereby creating a satisfied workforce, as well as a higher level of employee trust and retention. The company allows its staff members to explore their creativity in order to develop innovative ideas and push them forward to implementation.

APFS employees receive an impressive benefits package, inclusive of health insurance, free life insurance, unprecedented 401(k) matching, stock options and bonus incentives, as well as performance and service awards. The firm is highly invested in the educational betterment of its employees, offering tuition reimbursement, free license testing, and unlimited training seminars and courses. To date, 16 employees have received Lean Six Sigma certification, honing process-improvement skills they can use both inside and outside of the office. The firm is also set to launch the American Portfolios Mentorship Program, which recognizes the leadership skills of a select group of APFS employees, seeking to groom them to play pivotal roles in the company's future. In addition, the company also places importance on personal health and fitness, and its impact on overall well-being and productivity, by offering employees a flexible work schedule, summer hours, appreciation events, health and wellness learning luncheons, massage sessions and private coaching sessions with a registered dietitian.

Creating a pleasant work environment where people can network and have fun is also important to the firm. The APFS Employee Activity Committee (EAC) is responsible for creating work and non-work-related events that afford employees the opportunity to connect, problem-solve and conduct community outreach through enjoyable events, including the nationally-recognized Customer Service Week. APFS is also keenly engaged in taking part in socially responsible programs, such as its ongoing association with non-profit organizations like World T.E.A.M. Sports (WTS), which organizes athletic events for disabled and able-bodied citizens to achieve a common goal, and Virtual Enterprises International (VEI), which provides experiential learning programs to schools across the nation. Employees are encouraged to be good citizens -- both private and corporate.

About American Portfolios

Headquartered in Holbrook, N.Y., APFS is a full-service, independent broker/dealer and member firm of FINRA and SIPC, offering a complete range of financial services, including personal financial and retirement planning, securities trading, mutual funds, access to investment research, long-term care planning, insurance products and tax-free investing. Fee-based asset management is offered through its sister subsidiary, American Portfolios Advisors, Inc., (APA), a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Both entities, along with technology entity American Portfolios Advisory Solutions, LLC, collectively reside under the legal entity American Portfolios Holdings, Inc. (APH). Full-service securities brokerage is available through a clearing firm relationship with Pershing, LLC, a BNY Mellon firm, the securities of which are held on a fully disclosed basis. The company currently serves 799 independent investment professionals located in 365 branch locations throughout the nation. It was named Broker-Dealer of the Year* (Division III) by Investment Advisor magazine in 2015 and 2016, as well as the No. 1 Best Small/Mid-Size Company to Work for in the state of New York for 2016 by the New York State Society for Human Resources Management (NYS-SHRM) and the Best Companies Group (BCG).

*Based on a poll of registered representatives conducted by Investment Advisor magazine. Broker/dealers rated highest by their representatives are awarded "Broker/Dealer (B/D) of the Year."

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Melissa Grappone
VP of Mktg. & Corp. Comm.

PHONE: 631.439.4600, ext. 108

Best Companies Top 5 - American Portfolios Best Companies 2017 - American Portfolios Best Companies No. 1 - American Portfolios
Company ProfileAmerican Portfolios Financial Services