New White Paper Published by Innovative Detox Compares Conventional Addiction Rehab Programs With a New and Effective Medical Alternative

LAS VEGAS, NV--(Marketwired - Jan 29, 2015) - In a new and authoritative white paper published by Las Vegas-based Innovative Detox, conventional addiction rehab programs -- which haven't changed significantly in 35 years -- are compared to a new medical approach to overcoming addiction to alcohol and prescription painkillers, one that treats addiction like a disease.

This new study -- Comparing Conventional Addiction Rehab Approaches to Ultra-Rapid Detox -- cites 36 different clinically-reliable sources, most of them peer-reviewed studies published under the auspices of the National Institutes of Health.  Using this extensive documentation, this study found that traditional alcohol and drug rehab programs, based on the 28-day residential treatment program pioneered by Hazelden more than 35 years ago -- a flawed approach that is totally dependent on the addict's willpower -- produced, in the very best programs, a consistent 75 percent failure rate. Many 28-day residential programs do far less well.

This remarkably-consistent failure rate was compared with the clinically-substantiated success rate of the newer medical model of addiction treatment. Depending on which of these clinical studies is cited -- and the variance had to do with sample selection and follow-reporting -- this new medical approach had a success rate of anywhere between 60 percent and 100 percent.

After reviewing the history of addiction treatment in America, leading up to the willpower-based solution offered by 98 percent of America's addiction treatment programs, the study looks in depth at the actual recovery success rates of those treatment programs. This traditional approach to beating addiction is what the New York Times has called "the revolving door of addiction," citing the process which all-too-often goes from addiction to withdrawal, then to cravings, failure and re-addiction.

"Our research study found that -- at best -- the one-time success rate for these conventional treatment programs is no better than 75 percent, and some of them fail 90 percent of the time," according to Innovative Detox CEO Dr. Lucas Furst. "However, this failure rate isn't our opinion -- this is what the studies published by the National Institutes of Health have determined."

In fact, research showed that success for those who quit cold turkey -- 24 percent -- is statistically identical to those who went through a conventional willpower-based 28-day inpatient treatment program.

The white paper explores addiction as a medical condition, one which can be treated by medical means. This clinically-validated and FDA-cleared solution begins with medically-induced detox while under anesthesia, avoiding the suffering brought on by withdrawal. These programs also include a post-withdrawal use of a non-addictive prescription medicine that has been cleared by the FDA to help prevent re-addiction even while it blunts the cravings that often lead to re-addiction. They also encourage long-term addiction counseling to help former addicts adjust to their new addiction-free lives.

Those medically-based solutions to addiction have been found to have far higher average success rates -- one study of 120 addicts reported by the NIH actually had a 100 percent success rate six months after treatment.

This the second in a series of authoritative white papers published by Innovative Detox. The first white paper in the series, Alcohol and Opiate Addiction - And Suicide, studied the connection among veterans between mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury, addiction and suicide.

This white paper was commissioned by Innovative Detox, a Las Vegas-based medical alternative to conventional drug rehab and alcohol addiction treatment programs. The study was researched and written by a university professor -- and former consultant to the Drug Czar under President Clinton -- who has more than 30 years' experience working with addiction treatment programs.

About Innovative Detox
Las Vegas-based Innovative Detox was created by four medical professionals to offer people addicted to alcohol or prescription painkillers a medically-sound alternative to conventional drug rehab and alcohol addiction programs, which have a 75 percent failure rate, allowing clients to medically overcome their addictions and begin their second chance at life, a life free from addiction.

While there are limited risks to any procedure involving anesthesia, Innovative Detox's patent-pending ID Method -- based around the exclusive Beckett Protocol -- is medically-safe when administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist.

Contact Information:

For more information, those struggling with addiction should contact
Innovative Detox

To interview Dr. Furst, please contact
Ned Barnett

Company ProfileInnovative DetoxIndustry: Media Agencies