NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwired - Sep 12, 2017) - Prevoty, the leader in runtime application self-protection (RASP) solutions, is proud to announce its designation as a Distinguished Vendor in this year's 2018 TAG Cyber Security Annual.
The TAG Cyber Security Annual is a hand-selected list of the world's foremost cyber security technology companies curated by Dr. Edward Amoroso, CEO of TAG Cyber, with help from CISOs in every industry. The 2018 volume was developed to assist enterprise security teams as they modernize their cyber risk program via the following three steps:
- Exploding the flat perimeter enterprise into distributed workloads;
- Offloading the resultant applications and networks onto cloud-based, software-defined infrastructure;
- Reloading protections using the best available cyber security technologies.
"Prevoty's Autonomous Application Protection was a must for this year's volume," said Amoroso. "They've literally developed a product that enables applications to protect themselves from every OWASP Top Ten threat."
Prevoty Autonomous Application Protection is the first and only completely autonomous RASP solution to integrate application security into rapid DevOps cycles via agents that live inside the applications themselves, wherever they are, and travel with them wherever they go. Prevoty agents inspect all incoming payloads, understand how applications will execute them, and neutralize threats in real-time. In short, Prevoty-protected applications are secure by default.
"I rarely use the phrase 'real deal' when referencing a technology and management team, but the Prevoty group is just that. [Prevoty Co-Founder and CTO] Kunal Anand is a true rising star in our industry," said Amoroso.
"It's an honor to be part of Ed's mission to serve cyber security teams with world-class analysis of security tools," said Julien Bellanger, Co-Founder and CEO of Prevoty. "His team at TAG Cyber has done an amazing amount of research to come up with this guide to the most exceptional security products that are most aligned to the current best practices in cyber defense."
Each year, TAG Cyber publishes a three-volume security report and makes it available to the community at no cost. The 2018 TAG Cyber Security Annual is available for free download at Volume two of the report also includes an informative interview with Prevoty CTO Kunal Anand. It is available at
About Prevoty
Prevoty protected applications are secure by default. Prevoty delivers powerful Autonomous Application Protection via its runtime application self-protection (RASP) technology. It enables fast, efficient and secure software development life cycles, monitors and protects applications at runtime, and neutralizes known and zero-day attacks. For more information, visit