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    <title>Revenue Management Systems</title>
    <description>Contains the last 20 releases</description>
    <copyright>Copyright 2020, Revenue Management Systems</copyright>
    <managingEditor>newsdesk@globenewswire.com (NewsDesk)</managingEditor>
    <lastBuildDate>Tue, 28 Jan 2020 13:00:00 GMT</lastBuildDate>
    <webMaster>webmaster@globenewswire.com (Webmaster)</webMaster>
      <title>Air Moldova selects airRM as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, Jan.  28, 2020  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="https://w3.accelya.com/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title=""><u>Accelya</u></a> (formerly Revenue Management Systems Inc.) is proud to announce that Air Moldova is now live with Accelya’s state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tool, <em>airRM</em>. The software will enable Air Moldova to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 28 Jan 2020 13:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 28 Jan 2020 13:00 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Product / Services Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>Norwegian Air Shuttle selects airRM as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, Dec.  17, 2019  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="https://w3.accelya.com/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title=""><u>Accelya (formerly Revenue Management Systems Inc.)</u></a> is proud to announce that Norwegian Air Shuttle is now live with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tool, <em>airRM</em>. The software will enable Norwegian Air Shuttle to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 17 Dec 2019 13:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 17 Dec 2019 13:00 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>Pakistan International Airlines selects airRM as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, June  05, 2019  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title=""><u>Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</u></a> is proud to announce that Pakistan International Airlines has selected and gone live with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tool, <em>airRM</em>.  The software will enable Pakistan International Airlines to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Wed, 05 Jun 2019 12:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Wed, 05 Jun 2019 12:00 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Business Contracts</dc:subject>
      <title>flynas selects airRM as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, May  01, 2019  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title=""><u>Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</u></a> is proud to announce that flynas has selected its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tool, <em>airRM</em>.  The software will enable flynas to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Wed, 01 May 2019 12:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Wed, 01 May 2019 12:00 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <dc:subject>Business Contracts</dc:subject>
      <title>Ruili Airlines becomes RMS’s 100th customer of airRM</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, March  12, 2019  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title=""><u>Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</u></a> is proud to announce that it has been selected to provide Ruili Airlines with its state-of-the-art revenue management system, <em>airRM</em>. Ruili Airlines is the 100th customer of RMS worldwide and the 6th in Mainland China. The other Chinese customers are Beijing Capital Airlines, Chengdu Airlines, Shandong Airlines, China United Airlines and Tibet Airlines.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 12 Mar 2019 12:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 12 Mar 2019 12:00 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Product / Services Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>Sun Country Airlines selects airRM as their Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, Sept.  05, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title=""><u>Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</u></a> is proud to announce that it has been selected to provide Sun Country Airlines with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tools. <em>airRM</em> will enable Sun Country to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Wed, 05 Sep 2018 12:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Wed, 05 Sep 2018 12:01 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>Cambodia Airways selects airRM as their Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, Aug.  21, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title=""><u>Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</u></a> is proud to announce that it has been selected to provide Cambodia Airways with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tools. <em>airRM</em> will enable Cambodia Airways to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 21 Aug 2018 12:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 21 Aug 2018 12:00 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>Tibet Airlines selects airRM as their Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, July  24, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</a> is proud to announce that it has been selected to provide Tibet Airlines with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tools. <em>airRM</em> will enable Tibet Airlines to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance. Tibet Airlines is the fifth and most recent addition to RMS’s customers in the Chinese market. They join Beijing Capital Airlines, Chengdu Airlines Shandong Airlines and China United Airlines.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 24 Jul 2018 12:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 24 Jul 2018 12:00 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>China United Airlines selects airRM as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p align="left">SEATTLE, July  17, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</a> is proud to announce that it has been selected to provide China United Airlines with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tools. <em>airRM</em> will enable China United Airlines to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance. China United is RMS’s fourth customer in the Chinese market.  The other customers are Beijing Capital Airlines, Chengdu Airlines and Shandong Airlines.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 17 Jul 2018 12:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 17 Jul 2018 12:00 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>Flyadeal, Loganair and SalamAir Go Live with airRM Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, March  13, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</a> is pleased to announce that Flyadeal, Loganair and SalamAir have begun using <em><a href="http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.revenuemanagement.com%2FairRM%2F&amp;esheet=50323147&amp;lan=en-US&amp;anchor=airRM&amp;index=2&amp;md5=de052b9787725d8ed8356a5bc996b0aa" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="airRM">airRM</a> </em>to manage its seat inventory. With <em>airRM</em>, staff at all three airlines use the industry leading revenue management tool that allows them to access a huge array of data, enabling them to make revenue-enhancing decisions.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:05 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:05 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Business Contracts</dc:subject>
      <dc:subject>Product / Services Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>Cebu Pacific selects airRM as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, March  06, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</a> is proud to announce that it has been selected to provide Cebu Pacific with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tools. <em>airRM</em> will enable Cebu Pacific to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 06 Mar 2018 13:05 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 06 Mar 2018 13:05 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>Royal Brunei Airlines Selects and Goes Live with airRM Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, Feb.  27, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</a> is proud to announce that Royal Brunei has selected and gone live with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tool <em>airRM</em>. The software will enable Royal Brunei Airlines to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 27 Feb 2018 13:05 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 27 Feb 2018 13:05 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Product / Services Announcement</dc:subject>
      <description><![CDATA[<p align="left">北京, Feb.  26, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 收益管理科技公司,Accelya集团旗下公司(RMS)自豪地宣布,柬埔寨最新的航司——柬埔寨国际航空选中了RMS来为其提供最尖端的收益管理,舱位控制和报表工具。<em>airRM</em>将帮助柬埔寨国际航空发现销售机会,最大化客运收益,精确掌控票价,并分析销售业绩。<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2018 01:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Mon, 26 Feb 2018 01:00 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Business Contracts</dc:subject>
      <title>KC International Airlines Selects airRM as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, Feb.  20, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</a> is proud to announce that it has been selected to provide Cambodia’s newest airline, KC International Airlines with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tools. <a href="http://ww1.revenuemanagement.com/revenue-management-solutions" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title=""><em>airRM</em></a> will enable KC International Airlines to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 20 Feb 2018 13:05 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 20 Feb 2018 13:05 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>Swoop selects and goes live with airRM as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, Feb.  14, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</a> is proud to announce that Swoop, WestJet’s new ULCC subsidiary, has selected and gone live with airRM, RMS’ state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tools. <em>airRM</em> will enable Swoop to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 13:05 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Wed, 14 Feb 2018 13:05 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>AnadoluJet Goes Live with airRM Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p align="justify">SEATTLE, Feb.  13, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</a> today announced that AnadoluJet, a Turkish regional airline headquartered in Ankara, and a fully owned subsidiary of Turkish Airlines has gone live with <em>airRM</em>, RMS’ innovative airline revenue management solution.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 13 Feb 2018 13:05 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 13 Feb 2018 13:05 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>TAR Aerolineas Selects airRM as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, Feb.  06, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</a> is proud to announce that it has been selected to provide TAR Aerolineas (TAR) with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tools. <a href="http://ww1.revenuemanagement.com/revenue-management-solutions" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title=""><em>airRM</em></a> will enable TAR to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 06 Feb 2018 13:05 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 06 Feb 2018 13:05 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Product / Services Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>JetSmart and VivaColombia Select airRM as their Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>SEATTLE, Jan.  30, 2018  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- <a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, an Accelya Group Company (RMS),</a> is proud to announce that it has been selected to provide JetSmart and VivaColombia with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tools. <a href="http://ww1.revenuemanagement.com/airrm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title=""><em>airRM</em></a> will enable both airlines to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance.<br></p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 30 Jan 2018 13:05 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Tue, 30 Jan 2018 13:05 GMT</dc:modified>
      <dc:subject>Company Announcement</dc:subject>
      <title>PenAir Selects airRM as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p><span class="mw_region">SEATTLE, WA</span><span>--(Marketwired - January 10, 2017) - </span><a href="http://www.revenuemanagement.com" rel="nofollow" title="Revenue Management Systems, a Mercator Company (RMS),">Revenue Management Systems, a Mercator Company (RMS),</a> is proud to announce that it has been selected to provide PenAir with its state-of-the-art revenue management, inventory control, and reporting tools. <em>airRM</em> will enable PenAir to identify sales opportunities, maximize passenger revenues, closely control pricing, and analyze performance. </p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 10 Jan 2017 13:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems, Inc.</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Fri, 26 Jan 2018 04:04 GMT</dc:modified>
      <title>JetSuiteX Selects and Goes Live with airRMexpress as its Revenue Management System</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p><span class="mw_region">SEATTLE, WA</span><span>--(Marketwired - December 20, 2016) - </span> Revenue Management Systems, a Mercator Company (RMS), today announced that its cloud-based revenue management system, <em>airRMexpress</em>, has been selected and deployed by JetSuiteX, the California based provider of private jet travel now revolutionizing the landscape of air travel. <em>airRMexpress</em> integrates sophisticated forecasting and optimization, inventory control methodologies, and reporting tools into a comprehensive revenue management suite.</p>]]></description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 20 Dec 2016 13:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <dc:publisher>GlobeNewswire Inc.</dc:publisher>
      <dc:contributor>Revenue Management Systems, Inc.</dc:contributor>
      <dc:modified>Fri, 26 Jan 2018 04:04 GMT</dc:modified>